06 Apr,2022
12 Jan,2015
News, Web
12 Jan,2015
12 Dec,2014
12 Dec,2014

(1 hour 55 sec)

Al-Azhar denounced Zionist attacks targeting innocent residents of the Rafaḥ refugee camp, which was previously declared a safe region for displaced Gazans. The world watched as this heinous crime left scores of men, women, and children dead or...
A lawsuit against the Takwīn center’s board of trustees was launched by attorney and former president of al-Zamālik sports club Murtaḍā Manṣūr. On Sunday, June 9, the State Council’s Court of Administrative Justice decided to postpone the case.  
Anṣār al-Sharīʿa (Supporters of Islamic Law), an extremist group in Libya that the UN and the US had classified as “terrorists,” declared in a statement that it had disbanded itself. 
Umayma Farīd Muḥammad, an assistant professor in the Comparative Jurisprudence Department at al-Azhar University for Girls, and a researcher who received a PhD with summa cum laude for her thesis, suggested applying Islamic sharīʿa provisions to...
On behalf of Prince ʿAlī bin al-Ḥusayn, Jordan's Minister of Culture, Hayfāʾ al-Najjār, opened the 17th conference of Christian youth students on Saturday, May 18.