Media figure Ibrāhīm ʿĪsa said the economic predicament and political pressures should not be pushing Egyptian citizens to misjudge attitudes now that certain sides are trying to heat up emotions in their own interests.
Greek Orthodox Archbishop ʿAṭā Allāh Ḥannā of Sebastia said that Palestinians have lost confidence in this world’s politicians, most of whom were turning a blind eye to the crimes committed against them.
Qummuṣ (Archpriest) Shārūbīm Ibrāhīm Misīḥa of Archangel Mikhā’īl Church in Sinnūris, al-Fayyūm diocese, presented a Master’s Degree thesis on the role of Copts in the building of the modern Egyptian state in the era of Muḥammad ʿAlī Pāshā (1805-...
Egypt’s Catholic Church participated in the conclusion of the prayer week for Christian unity at the Coptic Orthodox Church in Old Cairo.
The Higher Presidential Committee of Church Affairs in Palestine (HCC), led by Ramzī Khūrī, sent messages to churches around the globe in which it warned of Israel’s “serious escalation” against Christian presence in Jerusalem.